
Hi! I'm Amanda Rosen.

My fav topics are: how to not rely on social media as a primary path toward growth, how to understand data so you can create better content, and how to use planning and productivity techniques to better market yourself online.

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Checking in to say hi + an update

Hi Reader, How's the holiday season treating you so far? Well, I hope. I'm checking in with you to let you know about an update in the world of Create Inspire Convert. Usually around this time of year (well, realistically in October), I do a retrospective in my business. Meaning - I check in with my marketing plan. Am I making progress on the goals I set for my business? What can I do to wrap up the next few months in a good way? I check in with myself. Where in my business am I feeling...

Hey Reader, Happy Friday to ya. How's your weekend been? I won't lie. Most days I roll up to Friday morning with a white flag and a prayer for NOTHING TO HAPPEN. Today? Our car died. Same way it died 3 months ago. And 3 months before that. So we submitted it to the "lemon buy back program" for the make we own. Fingers crossed they buy it back because it's totally a lemon and not the kind you can make a delicious lemonade from. But from how I try to live life... which is moment to moment...

Hey Reader, How was your week? Mine was the same old stuff. Lots of kid stuff. Lots of work. Lots of chores. Balancing all of the above not so well but doing the best I can. All while juggling a new puppy. Fun times. F-U-N- times. But hey. It's 4 o'clock here. That's happy hour. I've got a glass of wine because not only is it happy hour, but it's Friday. And it's nearly Shabbat (Sabbath). Three reasons to relax with a snack and a drink. So grab your favs and let's hang. I'm getting up on my...

If there's one thing I love, Reader, it's being spontaneous. Which is funny to say because I have no less than 33 planners, 152 notebooks and 14,293 planning / list-making accoutrements. But the truth is, I love change. Whether it's trying something new. Going on an adventure. Or just re-arranging the furniture in my house. Doesn't matter. I love the fresh outlook a little bit of spontaneity brings. Which, normally, is totally fine. Except when you move around things in your house and no one...

Hi Reader, Remember back in April when Facebook and Apple were at each other's digital throats around the privacy game? Specifically as it relates to advertising and blocking the Facebook pixel on Apple devices. Apple put down the hammer around privacy and said they were going to block third party pixels, like the Facebook pixel. The jury's out as to whether or not this was an altruistic move (I don't think it was, but that's just my opinion). However, when they made this announcement,...

Hi Reader, Yesterday was a big day with news about social media. There are 2 major announcements you've gotta know about - one from Pinterest and another from Instagram. These are a pretty big deal because they reveal the direction platforms are headed in 2021 and well beyond. It's fascinating stuff when you consider the broader picture. Let's talk about Pinterest first. Pinterest is a big platform if you're a brand that works with women, however men do have a presence on the platform, albeit...

Hi Reader, Here's a hard truth to swallow: most of what you do online to promote your business isn't going to work the way you think it will. Key phrase being... the way you think it will. Marketers fully expect that to be the reality. There's a reason, most of the time, when you ask a marketer a question about what to try, the answer is "I don't know, we need to test it!" Because 99% of what you do online is a giant test. There's some good news, though. It means there are 2 skills marketers...

Hi Reader, Apple's at it again with their efforts to protect our privacy. This time it impacts EMAIL! Specifically all the metrics traditionally used to track the success / effectiveness of email marketing (open rate, click rate, etc). BTW: If you need to catch up on iOS14.5 and its impact on paid media, you can read my email series about it... Should you opt-in to ad tracking? Why is everyone talking about iOS14 and paid ads? Paid Ads vs Organic - which is better? Here's what happened: this...

Hi Reader, It's time for the final installment of this 3 part series where we've been talking about how to analyze whether or not your content is working... aka, driving sales, bringing clients, etc. There have been 4 emails in this series. Here's all of them if you need to catch up: Do you need to niche down in your business for content creation? How do you find content ideas anyway? How do you know your content actually works (Part 1 of 3)? (analyzing awareness content) Part 2 of 3: How to...

Hi Reader, Happy Friday! I'm back to pick up where I left off last week with Part 2 of our series about... how to know if your content is actually working. I've been on a content bender lately, I guess you could say. If you've missed any of the emails, read them here: Do you need to niche down in your business for content creation? How do you find content ideas anyway? How do you know your content actually works (Part 1 of 3)? Here's a quick refresher on what we talked about last week before...